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Read your bible

Bible reading is strongly encouraged at VCC, we believe that reading your bible everyday can create positive transformational changes to your life and those connected to you.

The bible is the primary way that God speaks to his people. It brings hope, guidance, encouragement and can bring practical solutions to the everyday issues you are facing.  It is relevant to everyone, every time and in any situation.

If you want to know how to follow Jesus and live the life that God wants for you, call us on  02920489265 or email us on [email protected]



Giving is one of the most profound ways to honour God and it is a form a worship.  The bible says when we give it will be given back to us in good measure.

Luke 6:38 It is also the main source of support to VCC and it demonstrates that God is more important to you than money.

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The bible tells us that we must give God our first and best back to God tithing means given God 10% of what he has made available to us.

In Malachi 3:10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house…, so we do this to build the God’s Kingdom and look after our local church. It also goes on to say that when we tithe it will be given back “in abundance” Luke 6:38   It is a huge step of obedience and a great form or worship to God.

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We all know that life can be challenging but you don’t have to go through it all alone. We are trusting in God’s ability to bring spiritual restoration to our issues at Vine.

There is always someone who will listen to and support you while you wait on God to make the changes you want to your situation. Positive change can be one conversation away.

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